All Wikipedia editors are losers!
I love Wikipedia. I think it's one of the greatest thingamajigs invented on the Internet in recent history. However, I am so frustrated by some of these losers who have nothing better to do with their time and decided to edit Wikipedia articles "for fun". I can't begin to count how many Wikipedia pages that I've created (yes, I'm one of the biggest Wikipedia losers too) only for some admin or anonymous prick to delete them for whatever reason they can pull out of their asses. I'm sorry, but I just don't have the energy or the effort to "contest" or "debate" or "give a flying fuck" about what you think of my perfectly legit article!

Can someone enlighten me why people edit Wikipedia pages? Do you get paid for this? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment contributing a tiny part to a big online encyclopedia? Does your romantic partner get turned on every time you click that button? Or do you simply feel like you've fulfilled your life's worth by editing every minute detail on a Wikipedia page? Please answer me. I wanna know. Really.