Saturday, June 18, 2011

Yes I Trust Wikipedia 100%

A lot of people say that Wikipedia shouldn't be used for research, because the platform isn't reliable enough. But when push comes to shove, and the deadline crunches are coming your way, you have no option other than to trust everything and anything you read on that blasted site. Yet, without exception, it always lets you down when you need it the most. Never stop disappointing, Wikipedia!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wikipedia Versus Your Company

Wikipedia Versus Your Company

This would be funny if it wasn't so entirely true. I didn't get fired, but I had so many Wikipedia articles get deleted because it resembled too much of a "corporate showcase" or whatever the hell that means. Look, I'm only adding these pages on Wikipedia because I absolutely have to do it for work. So cut a bitch some slack, wouldjya?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Daily Wikipedia Fail - Civilization Unraveling

There is a "riveting" debate in the Civilization V Wikipedia page, where the users can't decide whether they want to include a table as part of the article. They're arguing nonstop. Over a table. About a video game. On a Wikipedia page. That's right, an online world war broke out because of this motherfucking table. It's just another typical weekend evening for Wikipedia editors.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

Daily Wikipedia Fail - This User Likes Boxes

What is the deal with these annoying boxes on your user pages? Can you not describe yourself without compartmentalizing your entire life into simple one sentence blurbs? This user is born in a small Norwegian village. This user is interested in cutting their toenails. This user has eggs for breakfast. NO ONE CARES.

Daily Wikipedia Fail - Speedy Deletion Nomination

Speedy Deletion Nomination


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Daily Wikipedia Fail - Definition of a Life

All Wikipedia Editors Are Losers

Hey there. I know you probably don't have a window in your parents' basement, but it's actually a really sunny day outside. Why don't you go outside and have a life for a change? You may actually like it.

(He was actually one of the better losers too. >_>)